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Hayley K Jacobs
Rough draft 1 research essay
Transitioning Ideas Of Non Gender Conforming Patients
Its 2019! Sexual and genderidentity is a trending topic of the past few years. Medical technologiesevolving and new discoveries in science, making gender change easier toachieve. Viper ftp 5 2 5 52502 download free. Are Hormone Therapys effects on its patients acceptable? Are thehealth risks low enough that we should continue? How does hormone therapyeffect the body? Begin a patients transition from either male to female or,female to male, by starting the patient off with opposite sex hormones. Formale to female patients they may start off with estrogen, testosteroneblockers, and progesterone. These three medications are usually taken orally.For female to male patients they will begin with testosterone, other medicationvaries from patient to patient. Testosterone is usually injected. Why is thisimportant to the lab? How can the lab measure hormone therapys effect on ahuman? Is this morally acceptable? The lab is concerned because of chemicalreactions within the body and levels of bio-molecules in the body.
Laboratorytesting is central to monitoring safety for hormone therapy. SoRell explainsthe importance of the laboratory in the hormone therapy world. Hormone therapycauses many changes in a person physically, emotionally, and medically. Somephysical changes may be irreversible, and some physical changes may be able toreturn to their original state once stopping hormone treatment. Hormone therapycan be challenging, the patient will essentially be going through anotherpuberty. Hair changes, body changes, emotional changes etc. A full sexreassignment surgery is an extreme task, reassure patient this is risky andonce surgery is performed it will be permanent. Do the health risks outweighthe benefit of the patient? Is this primarily a patients decision what to dowith their body or is the patient in danger where doctors should stop thistreatment? The laboratory is where the answer sits.
Switching ahumans biological sex is a big decision to make, with many steps. The firststep is hormone therapy. If hormone therapy has negative effect on the bodythen it cannot be healthy for humans. What does hormone therapy do to onesphysical appearance? Lets begin with what kind of hormones given to thepatient. For a patient that is transitioning from male to female, the patientwill receive estrogen. Estrogen side effects can be mood swings, hot flashes,migraines, and anxiety. These side effects can be potentially difficult tohandle, unbearable in some cases. The more estrogen taken will not speed up thehormonal process, it will increase biological risks. For a patienttransitioning from male to female, the patient will receive testosteroneblockers, these side effects being more severe than estrogen. Testosteroneblocker side effects include frequent urination, dizzy, disoriented, and lightheadedness. Another severe effect of testosterone blocking can be an increaseis potassium which can cause the patients heart to stop. For a patienttransitioning from male to female the patient may also be given progesterone,this is optional. Progesterone will help improve move, libido and distributionof fat. Extended use of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone Blockers cancause side effects and physical changes such as decrease number of erections,testicles will shrink to less than half their original size, skin will becomedrier and thinner, pores will shrink, thinner blood, prone to bruising, bodilyodors will change. Temperature and perception of pain will differ. Pain innipples is common when breasts are growing, potential risk of breasts growingunevenly, and last loss in muscle mass. A side effect with all opposite hormonetherapy is that most patients become infertile, or sterile. This is anirreversible effect. For a female transitioning to male patient begin thepatient with Testosterone therapy. Testosterone has side effects and physicalchanges such as frontal scalp balding (in a male pattern), thickening of vocalchords, periods become lighter, the patient can permanently lose ability tobecome pregnant, testosterone can thicken the blood which can cause a stroke ora heart attack, clitoral growth, and facial hair growth. When takingTestosterone, a patients risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, highcholesterol and diabetes increase. Many of the side effects from Testosteroneare irreversible.
Transgender patients are goingthrough numerous changes, physical, emotional, sexual changes. This papercontains the explanation of the physical, medical and now, ethical changes atransgender individual may come into contact with. 80 of Transgenderindividuals have experienced discrimination or harassment in the patients everyday life, given this, transgender individuals should not be discriminated in atime of need of healthcare. Some hospitals have shown signs of being transgenderproactive, providing the 4-gender option and keeping an open accepting mindwith the patients. The mayo clinic offers, this study could enable developmentof transgender specific reference intervals, which are crucial to ensuring thattransgender patients get accurate diagnoses and equitable healthcare. (Ives).Explaining their recent study with transgender patients risks, cell counts andlab work. Affordable and accessible healthcare is a big movement in America.Which is why the problem of transgender patients being denied healthcare is animportant dilemma. According to the Human Rights Campaign, in a 2011 survey of6,000 transgender Americans, 20-27 percent reported being refused healthcaredue to their transgender or gender non-conforming status. A big issue foundwith research is that many doctors admit to refusing transgender patients caredue to fear of being criticized by fellow doctors. Given hormone therapy onsome transgender patients can show negative effects on their health so doesthis mean that hormone therapy is ethical? Doctors swear by oath to doeverything they can for a patient, and this entails a few characteristics.Patient Autonomy. This is defined to honor a patients right to undergo hormonetherapy as a transgender individual. Hormone therapy has shown to benefitquality of life in 80 of patients. Successful hormone treatment has also showndecrease in gender dysphoria, increase of psychological and social functioningand sexual satisfaction. Doctors also must perform whatever task to benefit thepatient. Medical staff showing respect for transgender patients preferredpronoun and name improves patient experience and overall care. Transgender careis also limited, identifying as transgender can decrease that individualschance of being approved for healthcare. In industrial, growing cities wheretransgender culture is more accepted it is proven easier to find a doctor thanto the contrast of being a transgender individual in a rural community withmore traditional beliefs. Giventhat the doctors swore by oath to care to the needs of patients, hormonetherapy is proven to improve quality of life, and transgender care is limited,it is more than ethical to accept transgender individuals in your office.
The effects of physical, medical, and ethical changes in atransgender patients life will be significant. To each person reacting theirown way. Every human is not as progressive and accepting of these individuals.Transgender identifiers mostly report of being harassed by religious peers.Some may argue, the effects are too risky or, that the whole process inunethical and should not be tolerated. They also may argue that it is againstcommon religious beliefs. Intentionally increasing a humans risk oflife-threatening diseases, and changing their sex assigned as birth areperceived as doing harm to a patient. They use the argument that doctorsare sworn to an agreement named nonmaleficence. Nonmaleficence is the agreementthat the doctor will do no harm to his or her patients. Pinpoint being that sexreassignment in unnecessary and caused unnecessary harm to the patient also,that the intentional increase in heart disease, stroke, infertility (becomingsterile) is inhumane. However plastic surgery is very welcomed in the unitedstates with the trend rising at about 2-5 a year. 17.7 Million cosmetic surgeries performed in2018. (American Society of Plastic Surgeons.) The increase in risks associatedwith the physical and medical changes are all common side effects of numerousprescriptions, over the counter drugs and legal drugs such as nicotine andalcohol. It is nothing specific to transgender citizens, everyone is exposed tothese risks at their own will. Every negative side effect cannot outweigh thefact that 80 of transgender patients report improvement in the quality of lifeafter completing treatment. Considering one has to go through many steps andassessments to be accepted as a potential patient, it is common that patientsare severely depressed before treatment. As more communities become accepting,progressive and understanding the percentage of elevated quality of life willincrease. It would do the patient more harm to deny them their right to theiridentity.
Thesolution I have found, although not well known it will be a great way to start.Implementation the idea of a 4 gendered spectrum for hospitals will increaseexperience of transgender patient care as well as our understanding fortransgender individuals medically. Options including MTF and FTM help thepatient feel included in society, and that they are in the best care. If thisidea was to be applied across the medical field in every hospital it wouldforce doctors to destroy this discrimination against transgender patients.Medical staff becoming aware can easily become a ripple effect in thecommunity. This on an exponential scale due to the increase in medical careers.The hospital becoming more aware and accepting of these individuals is thefirst step. A negative effect that can occur may be that some individuals insociety proclaim its against their religion to tolerate such behavior and wemust respect their right to religion. This creates a problem if that saidindividual works in the medical field, implementing a punishment for refusing apatient care based on personal beliefs should be applied. This would decreasethe amount of rejections these patients face.
Works Cited
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Practical Guidelines for Transgender Hormone Treatment. Practical Guidelines forTransgender Hormone Treatment Endocrinology, Diabetes, Nutrition WeightManagement , 2013,
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Welcometo Next Wave Films ,
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